Dr. Jones returned to Fiji for the Research Experiences for Undergraduates fieldschool with a new group of students earlier this summer. Students, Catrina Callahan, Lauren Bridgeman, Kelly Ledford, Shelby Mullins, Kaitlyn Reed, Alea Rouse, Yoonhee Ryder, Phil Pearson, and Jerred Schafer learned and applied archaeological skills in during this six week field school.
Dr. Jones along with field assistant Christel Carlisle, instructed students in archaeological methodology allowing them first hand experience in archaeological research.

Through this experience the students were allowed first hand knowledge of the many facets of field work. They were taught archaeological techniques such as, excavation, surveying, mapping in the field.There were also lessons in professional ethics in archaeology. Following the close of the excavation site, students learned about artifact maintenance at the Fiji Museum and in the laboratory.
Alea Rouse digging.
Jerred Schafer screening.

Kelly Ledford mapping.
At the end of the field school all of the students had experienced the many aspects of archaeological field work and returned to the U.S. to apply the lab skills to cataloging the Fijian artifacts. For more information about the Fiji NSF REU Fieldschool contact Sharyn Jones.