Recent Events with ANTHRO-TEACH:
ANTHRO-TEACH Presentations from the Southern Anthropological Society (SAS) meetings in Savannah, Georgia (February 18-20, 2010)

Caitlin Aamodt is pictured above presenting her paper on "Human understanding of Place Names on Nayau, Lau Group, Fiji."

Mallory Messersmith presen
ted "Analysis and interpretation of a suspected earth oven feature on Nayau, Fiji" at the SAS meetings in Georgia.

UAB Faculty (Cormier and Jones) and Anthropology students (from left to right): Ashley Wilson, Lindsay Whiteaker, Caitlin Aamodt, Mallory Messersmith, Anna McCown, and Megan Noojin-Sunderman.
Anna McCown presented " Dumped: An Exploration of the Material Culture of a Contemporary Community in Nayau, Fiji."

Meagan Noojin-Sunderman presented a presentation on "Under the Sea:Holocene Climate Changes and Effects in Fiji, ca AD 1300"

Sabrina Bone (center) and students from Parker High School received an award for the Best Poster in Science and Education at the Alabama Academy of Science meetings on April 1, 2010.

Mallory Messersmith received the Alabama Archaeological Society Award.

Christel Carlisle was awarded the Outstanding Undergraduate in Anthropology Award.

Angela Cales, pictured with Anthropology Dept. Chair Carolyn Conley, was awarded the Outstanding Graduate Student in Anthropology award.
Sabrina Bone received the Departmental Chairs Award in Anthropology and History.
Sharyn Jones and Lori Cormier took Anthro-Teach students and Jones' Food and Culture class to visit the West End Community Gardens in April, 2010

Food and Culture students are helping to remove weeds from the gardens.
The Alabama Academy of Science Meetings
Alabama A&M University in Huntsville
Ashley Wilson presented a poster regarding the ethnohistory of food. Her poster was titled "Ethnohistory of Food: Food and Folk Remedies of Alabama Slaves."

Anna AcCown presented a poster presentation on " Dumped: An Exploration of the Material Culture of a Contemporary Community in Nayau, Fiji"
Sharyn Jones and Loretta Cormier presented a paper titled "Gender Inequity and Cultural Diversity: A Field School in Fiji’s Lau Island Group ."
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